SPS Spindle Provides Capellini Deep-Hole Spindles to the Aerospace Industry

SPS recently provided one of our clients with two new Capellini deep hole grinding spindles for use in a landing gear grinding application. We work with many aerospace clients and have provided a number of deep hole spindles for this critical application. These spindles can be belt-driven or direct motor as shown in the spindle photos here. Most of the Capellini spindles we provide have been customized to meet the unique needs of each customer’s application. In many of the spindles, the tooling interface has included some version of an OD taper or a manual HSK.

Our deep hole spindles are produced in a wide range of sizes, from one meter in length to more than two and a half meters. On some of the longer barrel designs, Capellini utilizes carbon fiber driveshafts to minimize the vibration that can result from resonance frequencies within the assembly. We have not seen this type of technology in the deep-hole grinding market, which is likely the reason that every Capellini spindle we have delivered to our customers has resulted in glowing reviews. Collins Aerospace in Canada said that Capellini deep hole grinding spindles are the best performing long barrel spindles they run.